How many drafts I construct per blog post, would have to amaze anyone. Draft after draft, each sporting dramatic change in blognacular (blogging vernacular) in an attempt to keep a consistency of style and present the adhoc, inconsistent thought process that whirls around in my head in a way readers have a chance at understanding! Nonetheless here is a rap of our engagement party ‘cam-style’…Better late than never.
Our engagement celebration was more of combined affair - amalgamating a farewell before our return to QLD to tackle rebuilding after the floods (mind you this is still not happened. Welcome to building contracts 101) and of course a celebration of ‘Jess and Cam’! Red and white was the theme, quiet sharply narrowed to a red and white spotty arrangement, red dots on white, and white dots on red. Finding paraphernalia of this nature became a mission (with a hint of obsession) and it wasn’t too long before I was dreaming in red and white spots.
The invites went out, cutting it fine to RSVP with a series of events that can only be measured in mm that resulted in several immensely frustrating trips to the printers. To keep it extremely modern, and vogue, RSVP was via our blog, great idea? Not so much. Apparently not everyone shares our enthusiasm for using technology. I see a Red and White Australian icon still has a future (Aus Post).
Menu selection started three weeks out and as we had decided that the afternoon would entail a selection of home-baked sweet treats with a side of champagne, the pursuit of the ‘perfect’ recipe(s) began. Firstly it started with Macarons. I am not sure if it was the trip to macron-crazed Melbourne or the fact that her 12 year-old brother was able to produce a perfect batch but Jess had it in her head that this party was going to have them. Maca-right:
Or errrr ‘maca-rong’:
The culinary experimentation then progressed to gingerbread...
Aaaannnd cupcakes! Hundreds of cupcakes.
Not only a mixture but also the idyllic icing and subsequent technique perfection.
A trial and error approach that resulted in a not so perfect waistline and a desire to never need a cupcake to accompany my latte. Ever. Again. A sentiment possibly shared by all of Jess’ family as well as neighbors, her dads work colleagues and her siblings school friends. Did I mention there were lots of cupcakes?
Incase this wasn’t going to provide our guests with enough sugar to satisfy a diabetes drug company we decided having a lolly buffet would be fun too! Enter the world of online lolly shopping. Appropriately we chose a theme of red and white and 10 kg later we had pretty much over killed it and ensured our guests were going to leave with sugar head-aches! Oh well! We had had fun and the party had not even started!
Although the preparation was definitely part of the experience, I wasn’t entirely disappointed when it was finally time to actually celebrate! Not only were we VERY excited but the novelty of shopping, cooking and the title of ‘designated washeruper’ (with an average output of five loads a day!) was starting to wear off and I was beginning to wonder what other items could possibly be found in red and white spots! I was still collecting said red and white essentials the morning of the party!
The day itself passed very quickly and apart from a brief disappearance of a certain black and white family member suitingly named Marley, at a crucial part of the setting-up process, went of without a drama. We were surrounded by friends and family, some of whom we hadn’t seen in too long! Memories were shared on our ‘memory line’, hot apple cider was brewed by the wonderful Alex and champagne punch was drunk by most. Cupcakes were most certainly eaten by all – Jess mandated it!
And just incase anyone hadn’t fulfilled their yearly cake (or sugar) quota...
There was a double white chocolate engagement cheesecake, in of course red and white! After an afternoon of love and laughter Jess and I were left with some wonderful memories and a glimpse of what is to come (oh and quite a few cupcakes!). How lucky we are.
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