Much Loved On LLG


Le Tour

Over the past few years Le Tour has become a big part of our lives, especially in Queensland. As we arrived here 4 years ago for our holiday the tour was just about to start. With 2 days to go on our holiday Jess caught swine flu, so we had to stay, as she became seriously unwell and was immediately admitted to hospital and had constant care. During that terrible time I sat up late at the hospital by Jess' bed and watched the Tour, which seemed to be a novelty for the Doctors and Nurses who would pass by to watch intermittently.

Here's to another month of late nights, supporting the local Tassie boys Richie Porte and Matty Goss. Maybe it's the coffee from Aroma's on Charles street in Launceston that's helping produce these champs?

The pic is of our tv as I though a pic of me sitting up late in my cycling gear may be to disturbing.


1 comment:

  1. Was hoping to see a pic of the Orica Greenedge bus stuck under the finishing banner.
