Much Loved On LLG


Lots of Little Steps

This mightn't look like a big achievement to most people but this was a 'screen shot' of the treadmill screen after my session this morning. It was tough but I needed to prove to myself I could do it.

Because of my poor gas exchange due to the scarring in my lungs, I loose oxygen in my blood very quickly (desaturate). Exercise is crucial to maintaining my lungs but in the last few months I have had to adapt my training to make sure I am training safely and not doing more harm than good. This pretty much means interval training as this allows me to 'push and puff' (aka work those lungs) but also lets my oxygen levels recover. Todays effort was 20 sets of one minute on two minutes off intervals (plus cooldown). I have to say I am happy with that. Here's to getting stronger, fitter and faster!

~J x

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Jess, it's jut one foot in front of the other isn't it? X
