Much Loved On LLG


Muffins and Salt Air

There is a lot going on in our little world right now. Big things are happening! As always though, our life is a fine balance between doing what I need to to stay well and doing all the things I stay well to do! At this point in time we are working our little bottoms off to keep the good times rolling! So as we have said before a lot goes on but nothing much happens (right now!)

So, a recap of the last few days of married bliss. I tried to upload the pics from the full site so I could pit them in place amongst the text but I had troubles. It's late and I a get grumpy at technology after 10pm so this will have to do!

This winter has been pretty wet and coolish in Brisbane standards. Friday was the coldest day we have experienced in the sunshine state - a 'freezing' thirteen degrees. Brrrrr. Getting up wasn't so bad though... husband had surprised me with gorgeous sugar free, low fructose muffins! Oh boy! Tea and muffins to start a cold, grey Friday? Yes please!

Saturday we attempted to conquer our cabin fever while still avoiding fellow humans by going for a drive and attempting a bush walk. The weather had mostly cleared and although still coolish, the sun was teasing us with little glimpses. We decided to head to the Sunshine Coast Hinterland and find something in that area. We packed lunch and the dog and hit the road.

A hot tip for anyone attempting to go walking in unfamiliar places: check there are infact dog friendly walks before taking a dog. After nearly an hour of searching, googling and checking with the local tourist information centre we were at a loss and our bouncing Border Collie was starting to loose faith in our promises. We gave in and got boring - we headed to the coast. Our regular city escape and every bit worth the extended road trip to get there!

Yesterday the sun stopped being indecisive and came out to play! It was a gorgeous day and we spent the afternoon flitting around on our bikes! I came home exhausted and was excited to received a surprise dessert treat - sugar-free 'red velvet' muffins! Yum! How awesome is Cam getting in the kitchen? These are made with cacao and beetroot.

Today was the perfect winters day! So much sunshine! I felt excited to be feeling great and able to enjoy it! So we jumped on our bikes again (after a short trip in the car). We both marvelled at how lucky we are to live where we do! Blessed. It is going to be a wonderful week!

~J x

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