Much Loved On LLG


Hairy Situations

A moment for self-indulgence after a day that involved a bit of R & R! New Hair! Who doesn't love a fresh look? I am not sure I should admit that this was the first time I have EVER dyed all my hair! Sure it isn't anything too crazy, but it was enough to make me feel oh so much better! And how cute is my hairdresser at Oscar Oscar Salons? It's the bowtie for sure, so much so you didn't really want to see my hair anyway! Did you?

~J x


  1. Yes, yes, yes I do want to see your hair. I'm happy to hear you indulged yourself and your hairdresser is cute with his bow tie. I'm lucky my girlfriend is coming today to do my hair, which is much needed. So I will be all fresh and lovely for the bloggers baby shower event in New Farm Park on Sunday. Are you popping along?

    Either way I hope you're well and enjoying flipping around your new hair.

  2. The hairdresser was seriously the cutest! How great does a freshen-up make you feel! Hoping to come along to the park to say hi! Fingers crossed for sunshine (like oh-em-geee just think what rain would do to our new do's ?).

    -J x
