Much Loved On LLG



Living with chronic illness is a great teacher of patience. Whether it be waiting for test results, waiting for scripts to be filled or getting through long days in hospital you often find yourself waiting for things to happen that you have no control over.

I have to say I have become a more patient person but it still isn't my strong point. Yesterday Cam and I had planned to spend the day up on the Sunshine Coast having lunch at our favourite Cafe and then going for a walk and a ride for Cam. We were organised the night before and planned to get up early.

In the morning though, we woke up to rain and I then discovered a small patch of mould on a couple of our windows. Mould for my sensitive lungs is disasterous and instead of leaving early we had to spend time dealing with it. To top it all off we discovered that our lunch spot was closed for renos! We decided to head up the coast anyway because at the very least the salt air would be good for me.

In the car I got frustrated by my portable nebuliser pump - it was being slow! Cam decided to take a minor detour to give me time to finish the medication. Besides he said the rain was still heavy, not great walking weather.

It was at this point our day changed! Cams detour came out at a cafe we had wanted to try for ages! We had a fantastic lunch and even sugar free key lime and avocado tart! Once we had finished lunch we headed to the beach were please that the rain had cleared enough for Cam to ride and me to walk.

The afternoon was still stormy looking and grey but it wasn't cold. The waves crashed in and foamed at the waters edge and Perra ran along in search of the perfect stick. I was a little annoyed to have to stop for a snack when I suspected my blood sugars were a little low. The only thing that was close enough was a fish and chip store.

Perra and I took a package of hot paper wrapped potato cakes down to the beach and sat in the sand and the wind enjoying them. It was a pretty perfect moment. We then continued to then end of the beach . The light was starting to fade a little and the sea looked like something out of the books I love as a child about shipwrecks. Out of the waves appeared a pod of dolphins with a couple of very small ones amongst them! They hung around and so did we until the skies got darker and the rain rolled in! Perra and I walked back in the pouring rain. It was the perfect afternoon and completed by coffee with my husband (who had stayed perfectly dry on his ride)!

If we hadn't been late leaving or my pump hadn't been slow we wouldn't have had the perfect lunch. Cam might not have had a dry (and safe) ride. If I hadn't had a hypo I wouldn't have got to enjoy sitting on the beach or have seen the dolphins. Sometimes things are just as they should be - we just have to be patient.

~J x

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post Jess.
    I always try and remind myself that I am exactly where I need to be right now. Puts everything in life into perspective.
