Much Loved On LLG


The Highs and the Lows

They say diabetics are the only people who take drugs so they don't get high and those little words of wisdom have been the story of my day. There's been lots of highs and lots of lows. Blood sugars that is. By far one of the hardest progressions of having Cystic Fibrosis has been developing CF related diabetes (CFRD). CFRD is tricky. It isn't type one or type two and because of my need for a high calorie diet and constant presence of some level of infection it is fairly time intensive. There are days where things just get a bit out of whack, today was one. Over twenty finger pricks and eight insulin jabs and my glucometre and I have done some serious bonding. Really Mr pancreas, lets not play this game again tomorrow?

~ J x


  1. Oh Jess I didn't even know that there was CF related diabetites. You're amazing keeping such a wonderful outlook all the time. I'm sure you have your moments where it's hard to maintain your outlook but you do such a remarkable job. X

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